Representatives of almost all dioceses, priests responsible for liturgical services, representatives of religious congregations and members of the Light-Life Movement took part in the 72nd National Meeting of Pastors of the Liturgical Service
God's power begins to be realized when a person opens up to this gift. We cannot take up the task except by hearing the Holy Spirit, opening ourselves to His action. As pastors responsible for leading others in faith, the more we must be aware that not only should we know about it, but also undertake and perform - to imitate the Blessed Mother
Archbishop Józef Górzyński, chairman of the Subcommittee for Liturgical Service, November 3, 2021.
The meeting was held on November 3-4 at the Licheń Shrine. The theme of the meeting was to celebrate Sunday during and after the pandemic. During one of the Eucharists, the act of entrusting members of the liturgical service to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother was renewed. The organizer of the meeting, attended by about 65 people, was the Subcommittee for Liturgical Service of the Episcopal Commission for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
On the first day of the meeting, the gathered people had the opportunity to listen to a few lectures. Fr. prof. dr. hab. Jana Klinkowski from Legnica talked about the biblical meaning of the holy day. Fr. Przemysław Szewczyk from Łódź presented the development of Sunday celebration in the first centuries of Christianity. Fr. Dr. Henryk Zieliński, editor-in-chief of the weekly "Idziemy", talked about how Sunday was experienced in parishes and families in the period of pandemic restrictions. Bishop Szymon Stułkowski (Poznań) presented the celebration of Sunday as an old and new pastoral task, referring to the social and cultural aspects of celebrating the Lord's Day.
The evening Eucharist, which was concelebrated in the basilica on Wednesday by over 50 priests, was chaired by Archbishop Józef Górzyński, Metropolitan of Warmia, Chairman of the Subcommittee for Liturgical Service. Among more than 50 clergy concelebrating the liturgy there was also, among others Bishop Adam Bałabuch, member of the Committee for Divine Worship and Sacramental Discipline of the Polish Episcopal Conference. On behalf of the Congregation of Marian Fathers who look after the sanctuary, he welcomed Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC, vice-curator of the Sanctuary.
In his homily, Bishop Górzyński emphasized the essence of readiness to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. “God's power begins to be realized when a person opens up to this gift. We cannot take up the task except by hearing the Holy Spirit, opening ourselves to His action. As pastors responsible for leading others in faith, the more we must be aware that not only should we know about it, but also undertake and perform - imitate the Blessed Mother "- said the archbishop referring to the task currently facing the Church during synodal work.
At the end of the liturgy, in front of the image of Our Lady of Licheń, entrustment to her protection was expressed. The participants of the meeting asked Mary to teach openness to the Holy Spirit, recognize God's will and fulfill the actions that result from it.
They asked for God's power to help them put into practice what comes from God and is His plan. "Pray for us a pure heart from God, zeal in the service of God and obedience to the Church in celebrating the sacred liturgy," prayed the pastors.
The second day of the meeting was devoted to group work. Participants were invited to think about how to deal with the issue of celebrating Sunday, among others. in dioceses and parishes, and what to do so that a pastoral year devoted to the theme of "Celebrated Eucharist" contributes to the revival of the commitment to the liturgical service of children, young people and adults.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office