During the southern sum, Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń, inaugurated the Great Rosary Novena, which will last in Poland until 2026.
We are the next generation coming here. We ask the Mother of God for help in hopeless situations. Let us not be afraid to entrust our affairs to Mary. She will surely listen to us, comfort us, help and make a smile on our face. Being aware that God is with us, we feel safe because we are His beloved children. And for ourselves, therefore, we are brothers and sisters in the house of God. We are therefore a community of the Church, together with Christ and in Christ
Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, September 30, 2018
The Great Novena of the Rosary will last for the next 9 years, until 2026. It is a preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Living Rosary. The theme of the first year of WNR is the slogan: "The mysteries of Jesus and Mary, the path to a mature spiritual life."
During the homily, Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the Lichen sanctuary, said that the essence of the pilgrimage is to meet Jesus by entering the sacrament of penance and reconciliation and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, so that He would strengthen and refresh us. According to the priest, the path of Christian life is not easy, but Jesus and Mary are present on it.
According to the custodian of the Lichen sanctuary, we should show respect, love and kindness. These are gifts from God that we should live by. - “There is no love of God without love of neighbor. We come to church on Sunday for Holy Mass to remind ourselves of it and to be aware of it. Sunday is the day of meeting with God and on this day we should have time to think and organize the most important matters, ”said the preacher.
Rosary - a ladder to heaven
Later in the homily, Fr. Kumala referred to the Great Rosary Novena that was beginning. - We want to prepare for the anniversary of the Living Rosary. We wish to remember the gift of the rosary prayed in the community. Let us note the holy rosary communities to which there are 2 million people in Poland He said.
Referring to the Gospel according to St. Mark, the priest, used the word “radicalism” in the context of the choices that a Christian should make in his life in order to follow the path indicated by Jesus. -A Christian is a man of radical choices. A Christian, strengthened by grace, can choose good and reject evil. Radically. That's what Jesus is talking about today.
According to the Marian, in the light of the Gospel, a Christian must reject what causes him to sin. - Our daily task is to care for the spiritual life. We are to come to Jesus the physician present in the sacraments, because He heals us, strengthens us and leads us to full freedom. Let us trust Christ. He is the Way that leads to spiritual freedom - summed up the Marian.
Only prayer can change the world. Because prayer changes a person's heart. And if I change, the world around me changes. This is a recipe for life, and this is the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message of the Church. If we accept Jesus, we change the world, shaping it in the spirit of Christ's teaching
Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, September 30, 2018
After the Holy Mass. the faithful went in a Marian procession along the alleys of the Lichen sanctuary. The culmination of the liturgy was the reading by the curator of the Lichen sanctuary of the act of entrusting families to Our Lady of Licheń.