When the fullness of time has come, God sends His Son, who becomes the Savior. The event we live is the day when God comes to earth to seek each of us.

When the fullness of time has come, God sends His Son, who becomes the Savior - this event we are experiencing today. - God comes to earth to look for each of us, Bethlehem is a sign of closeness - noted Fr. Kumala. God comes into the world in poor conditions, during everyday activities, in silence. The first to recognize him are Mary, Joseph and the shepherds. Wise men from the east also came. There were others in Bethlehem who did not notice that the Messiah was coming, did not see that anyone was in need of help. - Bethlehem means "house of bread". When Jesus came into the world, he was placed in a manger where animals would come to find food. This food becomes Jesus, who is bread for the world, for all the hungry. Today, this house of bread for us is every temple and Eucharist. Without this food, our life has no meaning and no future. We need to find the hope which is Jesus Christ. Let us discover the value of the Eucharist and the bread we lack, so that our hearts may become Bethlehem, an open house of bread. For every person we meet in our everyday life. This bread is to be our love, goodness, and interest in the fate of another human being. Let us be witnesses of the mystery of God's incarnation - wished the curator of the Lichen sanctuary.
Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, December 25, 2021
After the Mass The pilgrims stopped at the new Bethlehem stable while singing Christmas carols with Barbara Kaczor, the organist of the Lichen basilica.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office