Representatives of male orders from the diocese of Włocławek met on Monday, January 17, at the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń Stary.

You should congratulate yourself as much as possible on the fact that God has called you to the happiest state and to make the most precious wedding, because it gives you the highest peace, peace and joy.
st. Stanisław Papczyński
The organizer of the meeting was Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC, vice-custodian of the Lichen sanctuary, and at the same time a delegate of the Conference of Major Superiors of Male Orders for male orders in the Diocese of Włocławek. The first point of the meeting was the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, during which the monks present at the convention could take advantage of the sacrament of penance and reconciliation.
In the morning, the conference was delivered by Fr. Jarosław Hybza, MIC. The leading topic was an attempt to look at the religious community in the context of the synodal road started last year by Pope Francis. The speaker also showed the figure of St. Joseph, from whom you can learn to be silent, listen to God and discern His will in everyday religious life.
At noon, the monks prayed together during the Eucharist under the leadership of Fr. Bogusław Binda, MIC, the superior of the Lichen religious community of priests and Marian brothers. In his homily, referring to the biblical scene of Christ's calling his first disciples, he emphasized, inter alia, the mission of the apostles: "cooperating with the Holy Spirit, they are to get rid of everything in order to belong entirely to Christ and to free people from the bondage of sin to a new life in God", said the Marian.
The last point of the meeting was a joint meal, during which the monks had the opportunity to share their experience of living the religious life.
In a one-day meeting held in domu pielgrzyma „Arka” in Licheń, were attended by monks, incl. from Aleksandrów Kujawski, Brdów, Włocławek, Konin, Kazimierz Biskupi and Licheń. The next meeting is scheduled for March this year. in Brdów, in the local Sanctuary of Our Lady of Victory, which is under the care of the Pauline Fathers.
Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office