Licheń retreat of the Apostolate of Jesus and Mary, December 10-12, 2021

The retreat of the Apostolate of Jesus and Mary, "Cenacle with the Queen of Peace", gathered about 140 people in the Licheń sanctuary. The initiative is related to the 40th anniversary of Our Lady's first apparitions in Medjugorje and is an expression of gratitude for all the favors received through her in this place.

Holy Masses and adoration were held during the meeting. They prayed together, among others rosary, chaplet of Divine Mercy or Chaplet of Peace. Participants had the opportunity to listen to the conference - six priests from different spirituality were invited: Carmelites, the Franciscan from Niepokalanów, Montfortan (from the Congregation of the Missionary Fathers founded by St. Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort), a Cistercian and a diocesan priest who founded the so-called "Polish Medjugorje". The topics of the conference were: confession, fasting, rosary, Holy Bible and the Eucharist.

“We are the Apostolate of the Queen of Peace. We want to spread peace and form ourselves in this Medjugorje spirit, ”explains Mr. Szymon Grzechulski, the founder of the Apostolate, established 6 years ago in Poznań. Every day, the man organizes pilgrimages to Medjugorje, thanks to which a wider group of people learn about the Apostolate. The service in social media has also experienced a significant boost in recent months. Thanks to this, people from different parts of Poland could meet at the retreat in Licheń.

Why exactly Licheń? “When I was in Medjugorje in October, I asked God for a place. It was he who indicated Lichen. This is a very Marian time. On December 10, the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto is commemorated, and on December 12 - Our Lady of Guadeloupe. So we are glad that we can be here in such beautiful conditions.
Mary changed my life. Cardinal Wyszyński said that he put everything on Mary. Today, after a few years, I can say that I bet everything on the Queen of Peace. I used to work for 10 years in a corporation in the entertainment industry. I did not live with God then, I was building on sand. " - says Mr. Szymon Grzechulski. In 2015 he became seriously ill - leukemia was suspected. Lying on the hospital bed, he talked to God. He accepted His will - even if it were death.
„Modliłem się: jeśli chcesz mi dać drugą szansę, chciałbym coś dla Ciebie zrobić. I tak powstał Apostolat Jezusa i Maryi. Na początku był zespół muzyczny. Pan Bóg postawił na ludzi, z którymi w ciągu sześciu lat udało się nagrać 10 płyt. Zabrałem zespół do Medjugorie, które pokochałem, gdy byłem tam pierwszy raz w 2013 r. Decyzja o Medjugorie zapadła w czasie pielgrzymki do Ziemi Świętej. Opowiadając historię swojego życia usłyszałem, że powinienem pojechać właśnie tam. Byłem sceptycznie nastawiony, gdyż Watykan nie uznawał jeszcze tamtejszych objawień. W bardzo krótkim czasie pewna bezdomna osoba, której kupiłem coś do jedzenia powiedziała mi, że Maryja mnie tam zaprasza. Nie wierzę w przypadki. Dałem się poprowadzić Matce Bożej” – wspomina pan Szymon. Od tamtej pory 30 razy pielgrzymował do Medjugorie a od kilku lat organizuje również pielgrzymki dla grup (Look here).

More about the Apostolate of Jesus and Mary - Look here

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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