W dniach 26-28 sierpnia odbyły się rekolekcje „Eucharystia – studnia bez dna i przepis na życie”, w których uczestniczyły 24 osoby. Podczas rekolekcji uczestnicy poznawali znaczenie znaków i symboli liturgicznych, aby móc całkowicie i w pełni oddać się przeżywaniu Eucharystii.

Have you wondered why we actually go to church? Why do we participate in the Eucharist? Did you feel doubt, resigned? Did you think that the Holy Mass brings nothing to your life?
Many people struggle with such dilemmas while living in a constant rush. There is no time for relationships with others, for pursuing their passions and for rest. Sometimes it's only work that counts. Matters of faith and spirit are relegated to the background. It causes us to lose our relationship with God. Conversation with Him, confession, reading the Holy Scriptures, retreats begin to cause us difficulties. By participating in the Holy Mass, we come to the conclusion that we understand little of it. We may not have had such problems in the past, but now we cannot understand the depth and richness of the Eucharist.
Więcej szczegółów here
The full offer of retreats organized in the Licheń Shrine can be seen in the retreat calendar for 2022.
We invite you!