On November 14, the 5th World Day of the Poor was celebrated in the Licheń sanctuary. The slogan of this day is the words from the Gospel of St. You always have the brand "the poor with you" (Mk 14: 7). This Sunday was also the Day of Solidarity with the Persecuted Church, whose theme this year is: "Solidarity with Lebanon!"

“Since 1852, Our Lady of Lichen embraces us as the Mother of the Church, the Mother of each of us, concerned for the beauty of our life, our relationship with God and with our neighbors. Let us entrust to her all the intentions with which we come here, let us embrace the whole Church with our prayers "- encouraged the chairman of the liturgy, Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, curator of the Sanctuary.
During the noon sum in the basilica, people prayed for Poland and Poles so that they would remember Christian values, which are the foundation of our identity. They asked for a peaceful resolution of the crisis on the eastern border. Prayer was also surrounding those who were persecuted for their faith, who experienced social injustice, and for Christians in Lebanon.
“Today's Word reminds us that the end of the world is near. Some do not allow such a thought, others dissolve untrue information, and still others gather in a narrow group believing that only they will be saved. What are we doing? What are we doing to look with hope to the future? " Asked the curator of the sanctuary.
“We can treat the signs of transience differently. It's not about trying to turn back time. Humanity on earth has its time. Such a day will come when we will say goodbye to our loved ones, this world, to go to God, so we should think about the end of the world - recalling the intervention of Mary, who appeared in the lichen forest in the mid-nineteenth century, calling us to look at our own life in the perspective of eternity and life variety. The miracle of this transformation is a different view of oneself, time and others. Awakening is a return to God, said Fr. Kumala, referring to the readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
“Our reflection is today towards the poor. This day is to awaken our conscience, open our eyes and hearts to those who need our help. Often concrete: bread, water, shelter ... "- said Fr. Kumala, recalling the 5th World Day of the Poor celebrated today. “We can look at poverty on two levels: material and spiritual. On the latter, they are harder to notice, and yet it is more important. Even if someone has food, clothes, and there is no God in his heart, he is a poor man who needs help ”- noted the priest, encouraging us to look at our own relationship with God.
“Every day we do not think about our brothers and sisters who are persecuted in the modern world for their faith in God. 290 million Christians are currently persecuted. Statistics show that a Christian dies in the world every 3 minutes ”- recalled Fr. Kumala, asking what to do. “Support them with prayer, remember about them, so that they have the strength to persevere in faith amid adversities. You can also help materially poor churches and persecuted Christians in the world. "
Marianin also referred in his homily to the complicated situation that is taking place in the east of our country. “Pictures from the Belarusian-Polish border reach each of us. Nobody can say that he did not see, did not know. The question is what I did under the circumstances. May I never hear at the Last Judgment: "I was a stranger and you did not receive me." Let us try to take it into our heart, that is, let us look at it with kindness, love and concern. Let us surround ourselves with prayer. Each of us can do that. We should also wake up in disagreement with such a divided world, in which some have everything, while others have nothing and look at their dying children. Earth is given to all people. Everyone on it is to find their own happiness. What is to be owed by someone who has no chance of learning, development, and a dignified life, because he was born in some poor country. We need to think about it sometimes. We are not alone on this Earth. God gave it to everyone and wants everyone to be happy, ”said Fr. the curator, inviting people to pray for those who may have an impact on this situation, to act with love in trying to resolve it. “We must not cover our eyes, give in to propaganda, we must listen to Jesus, the Gospel that calls us to do good. It does not allow you to be indifferent ”.
Next Sunday, November 21, on the feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe in the Lichen basilica, after each Mass. The Act of Consecration of the human race to Jesus Christ, King of the Universe will be recited. It is also a patronal feast of liturgical service, Marian priests invite all who were once altar boys to a solemn mass. at. 12.00.
Lichen Stary, November 14, 2021