- It is not enough to celebrate in a pleasant way with your loved ones, let us fulfill our duty to bear witness to the risen Jesus - said Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Licheń sanctuary in the Licheń basilica during the Mass. on Monday in the octave of Easter.
We live in the joy of Christ's resurrection, this is the most important event in the history of the universe, but also in the personal life of each of us, because thanks to the risen Christ we live - began the homily of Fr. Janusz Kumala. He explained that the Gospel according to St. Matthew on the women who met the Risen One is an indication that all the faithful should be witnesses of the resurrection in everyday life. It is not enough to celebrate in a pleasant way with your loved ones, it is important to open your heart to the risen Christ. - The resurrection experience means a change in our lives. It is a time of grace to change our lives for the better - emphasized the curator. He cited two attitudes of the evangelical figures - women who lived the experience of Christ's love and soldiers who took money to lie about the theft of Christ's body. - He brings Jesus closer to his love, strengthened and expressed by participation in the Eucharist. Do we miss Christ? Let us pray that no one will take the path of lying, but will follow the risen Jesus. Let us fulfill our duty to bear witness to Jesus risen in our lives - encouraged Fr. Kumala and wished that each day would be full of joy and happiness from Christ's resurrection.
He is drawn to Jesus by a love that is strengthened and expressed by participation in the Eucharist. Do we miss Christ? Let us fulfill our duty to bear witness to Jesus risen in our lives
In the Holy Mass attended by the Sanctuary Wind Quintet, a team of professional musicians who enrich the events at the sanctuary.
On Friday, April 22, we invite you to the Easter service Via Lucis, that is, the Way of Light in the Licheń Basilica after the Mass. at. 18.00. The next day, April 23, we invite you to the Easter evening of worship he will lead sanktuaryjny zespół „Galilea”. Beginning with Holy Mass at. 18.00.
The next weekend, Licheń will also host the Solidarity National Pilgrimage. Main Holy Mass on Sunday, April 24, at 12.00 will be chaired by Fr. Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio, Apostolic Nuncio to Poland.