
Muzeum im. ks. Józefa Jarzębowskiego MIC w Licheniu Starym znajduje się na II i III piętrze licheńskiej bazyliki. Zwiedzanie muzeum jest możliwe od kwietnia do października w godz. 10.00-16.00.

Admission to the museum is provided FREE.

The museum can be visited individually or in groups.

Guided tours are possible after making reservation.


Muzeum im. ks. Józefa Jarzębowskiego MIC w Licheniu Starym znajduje się na II i III piętrze licheńskiej bazyliki. 

  • NIECZYNNE (zwiedzanie Muzeum możliwe w godz. 8.00-15.00 po uzgodnieniu w Biurze Obsługi Pielgrzyma tel: 697 959 083)


tel. (+48) 63 270 86 35
or via FB Museum of Fr. Józef Jarzębowski at the Marian Sanctuary in Licheń | Facebook

The museum is located on the second and third floors of the basilica. Entry from the basilica through a staircase, on the right side of the altar with the image of Our Lady of Lichen or from the outside, from the north-eastern side of the basilica.

Top view of the basilica
Entrance to the museum from the outside

Access to the Museum:
Public transport:
MZK - Bus line 67 - from Konin Railway Station - on Sundays and public holidays
MZK timetables can be checked on the website MZK KONIN

PKS Konin:
The PKS Konin timetable can be found on the website KONIN bus station

Private transport:
The car park closest to the museum: ul. Toruńska, parking lot E (papal)

Types of services:
Oprowadzanie – 210 zł (za 1 godzinę)
Lekcje muzealne – 7 zł od ucznia (za 1 lekcję)

Order information:
Visiting is possible only on the condition of observing the rules that do not violate generally accepted standards in public places (they do not disturb the order of sightseeing, do not threaten the safety of the collections). In doubtful situations, the comments and instructions of the Museum staff should be followed.

There are money boxes on the second and third floors, where donations can be made for the maintenance of the museum.

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