May Eucharistic Marian retreat at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń, led by Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the Lichen sanctuary, gathered 13 people.
During the conference, the curator of the Licheń sanctuary explained how to live the Mass fruitfully. out of closeness to the Mother of God. - We are preparing for the Holy Mass. like Mary, who was waiting for Christ to come, full of grace, the Holy Spirit and love. This preparation is to purify the heart, receive the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. The whole week leads us to the Sunday Eucharist. Mary stood under Christ's cross and we participate in Jesus' love during the Eucharist. Then we are close to Jesus, from whom we accept Mary, we become brothers and sisters, so that we look at other people with love - explained Fr. Kumala. He also emphasized the importance of the moment of adoration after receiving Holy Communion, the final blessing and dispatch. - God sends us, we go into our daily life with Christ to bring him to people. Participation in the Holy Mass is obligatory - emphasized the curator. - It is important that we be bold in witnessing to God, an example is the Blessed Mother, who goes with the Lord Jesus under her heart to share the Good News with Elizabeth and Zacharias - he added.
Mrs. Elżbieta from Piła has been making pilgrimages to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń every year, for over 30 years. For the first time, in the 1980s, she came thanks to an elderly neighbor. - I hope that I will come here for the rest of my life, I am experiencing the retreat very spiritually. When January is approaching, I am looking forward to going to Licheń, I miss the Mother of God - admitted Mrs. Elżbieta. She is glad that she can participate in the retreat together with her granddaughter Karolina.
During the retreat, Ryszard and Jolanta from Gdynia celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary and renewed their marriage vows. - I am on a new way to return to faith, I am starting a new life - shared Mr. Ryszard, who participates in the Marian retreat for the fourth time. - Fr. Kumala is a very warm retreat as a father leads us to God - he added.
The couple also took Ms Daniela from Włocławek with them. - I am very happy that I was able to come to the lichen sanctuary. I feel spiritually enriched. We used to visit Our Lady of Licheń with my husband, but my husband died. Today I can visit Mari's places of worship thanks to my friends - she says. - The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń is a great place to calm down and focus on your spirituality. There are no such possibilities anywhere. Even despite thousands of walking pilgrims, we always find a secluded place, peace and contact with God - admit Ryszard and Jolanta.