„Perły muzyki sakralnej” – koncert w licheńskiej bazylice

On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, on May 30, the Licheń basilica hosted the Choir and Orchestra of the National Song and Dance Ensemble "Mazowsze" Tadeusz Sygietyński. Under the baton of Maestro Jacek Boniecki, the artists accompanied the midday Mass with their music, and after the liturgy, they gave the audience an extraordinary concert.

The main Holy Mass in the basilica was celebrated at 12.00 under the leadership of Fr. Bogusław Bindy, MIC, superior of the Lichen community of Marian priests and brothers. The essence of yesterday's feast was presented to those gathered before the liturgy by the vice-curator of the sanctuary, Fr. Adam Stankiewicz, MIC: “Belief in one God in three is one of the most specific elements of Christianity. No other religion claims this mystery. The existence of the Holy Trinity is a dogma of our faith. With human reason alone, we would not come to this truth. Jesus Christ revealed it to us. "

Msza Święta 31 maja 2021 ks. Bogusław Binda MIC
Fr. Bogusław Binda, MIC
Msza 31 maja 2021 1
Basilica, Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, May 30, 2021

In the homily delivered by Fr. Binda encouraged the utterance of the words of the sign of the holy cross, reflecting on their meaning. - The Word of God reveals the Holy Trinity working in history for us and our salvation. This story continues in everyone's life. Today's Eucharist is an encounter with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Whenever we make the sign of the holy cross, it is to remind us of our baptism.

In further words, the Marian assured that: - the measure of love is Love without measure. God is never tired of us. For him, you are not a slave, but a child who, like every parent, loves.

- I want you to know that everything that separates you from God the Father can be forgiven in the ocean of merciful love. I want you to understand that you are a unique part of His Body - the Church - a community into which we have been incorporated through Holy Baptism. Our everyday life requires that we give a witness. We are not able to do so alone. We can see how difficult it is for us. The Holy Spirit, being a gift of the Father and the Son, lives in each of us - I want to be experienced now of His wisdom, power and the true, authentic presence of God in me. The Mystery of the Holy Trinity is a call and a task for us to learn to properly build our relations, bond with God and others The monk said.

After many months of working in the quiet of the rehearsal rooms, without contact with the audience and concerts via the Internet, on the last Sunday of May, "Mazowsze" enjoyed the opportunity to perform live in front of the audience. During the solemn Holy Mass, among others, "Coronation Mass" by WA Mozart or the famous "Hallelujah" from GF Handel's "Messiah" Oratory.

The concert opened with the twelve movements of Antonio Vivaldi's Gloria. The audience also had the opportunity to hear, among others "Prayer to the Mother of God" with music by Fr. Jan Żukowski, written to the words of Juliusz Słowacki and included in the repertoire of "Mazowsze" during the pandemic "Agnus Dei" by Georges. There was also the sound of Charles Gounod's Laudate Dominum, never performed by Mazowsze, which had its premiere in Licheń. The concert was hosted by Maestro Jacek Boniecki, who recalled previous visits from Mazowsze in Licheń. In 1999, on the steps of the basilica, which was still under construction, the ensemble greeted Pope John Paul II with his singing during the 7th Pilgrimage of the Holy Father to Poland. Two years ago, the ensemble celebrated the 70th anniversary of their presence at the Sanctuary with the Marian Fathers in Licheń. “Each of these stays here, both artistic and prayer ones, provoked reflection and was in special moments. Today we want to think about the future, in the context of the events that touched the whole world, and which, perhaps, God forbid, resulted in a change in every space. Today, Mazovia wants to sing joy and ask God that this misfortune that has touched the world will pass. " - said the group's conductor, Maestro Jacek Boniecki. The choir was prepared for the concert by Mirosław Ziomek.

Choir and Orchestra of the National Song and Dance Ensemble "Mazowsze", basilica, May 30, 2021

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