Day of prayers for people looking for a husband or wife

"From the beginning, man was created by God as a man and a woman," said Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Marian Sanctuary in Lichen Stary during the Holy Mass. at. 12.00 on the day of prayers of unmarried people looking for a husband or wife falling today in the sanctuary.

“The way of living in marriage together is possible. The essence of marriage is true love, that is, love that we receive from God. You cannot build marriage, our Christian life, without God's love. If a man does not open himself to God's love, he will not be able to follow the path appointed by him. Marriage is God's proposal that a man and a woman together go through life in love "

In the homily, we could hear that marriage is a gift that should be received with love but also with responsibility, manifested by the spouses' concern for each other. The custodian priest also said that 1/3 of marriages in Poland are now falling apart. Consequently, he asked if there was God's love in these marriages. - "The grace of God can transform and heal. If the spouses open up to God, the marriage will be saved. If God forgives all our sins, then a man can forgive another man, ”he said.
He pointed out a few lights that make it possible to find your other half: first - you have to be happy; second - to take care of yourself, not only externally but also spiritually; third - build a hierarchy of values to meet someone who has values similar to ours.
Finally, he encouraged and asked the faithful present at the Eucharist to pray for people close to us who are looking for a spouse. - "Let us pray for them that they will find husband and wife, that they may walk together through life in accordance with Christian values" - concluded Fr. Kumala.
The musical setting of the southern sum in the basilica. The Blessed Virgin Mary of Licheń was provided by a sanctuary music group "Galilee".

Text and photos: Sanctuary Press Office

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