The participants of the midday Eucharist prayed in front of the image of Our Lady of Licheń, the Sorrowful Queen of Poland and Patroness of family happiness for the conversion of children who left the Church.
- The seed of faith we received in the sacrament of Baptism remains in us and always has a chance to bear fruit again - said Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, custodian of the Lichen sanctuary, during the Holy Mass. on Parents' Day of Prayer for the Conversion of the Child. The custodian priest admitted that parents whose children are departing from God suffer a lot. It is important, however, that they do not blame themselves. He listed three attitudes towards a child who departs from the Church: surrounding him with love, prayer and setting an example that serving God is a source of happiness.
If someone departs from God, God does not leave him, but still loves him and wants his salvation. If someone leaves the Church, performs apostasy, the Church is still a Mother for him, who cares for his salvation, for eternal happiness.
Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, August 22, 2021
Fr. The curator encouraged parents not to give up their parental duties towards a child who, although grown up, still needs their help. That they would not lose hope and trust in God, because their prayer for the conversion of their children is always answered. That they would remain in love and patience as they await their return to God.
Referring to the liturgy, the words of Fr. Kumala recalled that the baptized have already received eternal life, which will last forever. - Our faith can also become weak - he said in reference to the crisis of faith of the apostles from the Gospel passage according to St. John. - It is a gift from God, it is important to accept and develop it, that is, to live by faith - emphasized the custodian, adding that visiting a sanctuary is always an invitation to a personal meeting with God and to conversion. - It is worth using the time given by God to learn heaven, that is, to learn love. We can experience heaven already on earth when we live with God, no matter what affects us - said Fr. Kumala.