Odprawiany jest w bazylice od maja do października, codziennie o godzinie 21.00.
The service consists of the song "Mother of God", greeting Christ and Mary, listening to and meditating on the Word of God, singing an appeal, praying for families and a blessing.
On Fridays and Saturdays, an additional element of the roll call is a procession with lights, led along the alleys in front of the basilica.
During the procession, the rosary is said. There is also a feretron with a copy of the image of Our Lady of Licheń and a cross. These activities are performed by pilgrims of the pilgrimage group staying at the sanctuary at that time.
Chęć czynnego uczestnictwa (prowadzenie różańca oraz niesienie feretronu i krzyża) w procesji ze światłami należy wcześniej zgłosić w Pilgrim Service Office.
The group's application to the Marian Appeal can be made as follows:
59 1320 1449 2769 6770 2000 0004
05 1240 1415 1111 0011 4321 6635