169th Anniversary of the transfer of the image of Our Lady of Licheń from Grąblin forest to Licheń

They thanked the Licheń sanctuary

Pilgrims prayed on September 26 during the Holy Mass. of thanksgiving for the creation of the Licheń sanctuary on the 169th anniversary of the transfer of the image of Our Lady of Licheń from the Grąblin Forest to Licheń.

During the apparitions in the Grąblin forest in 1850-1852, Our Lady of Licheń announced an epidemic of cholera and called for penance and conversion. The faithful began to call for the help of the Mother of God in the place of the apparitions, to give thanks for the rescue and ask for protection. - The sanctuary is a place bearing God's sign - Mary's revelations, but it is born when we go on a pilgrimage - emphasized Fr. Janusz Kumala, MIC, the curator of the Lichen sanctuary, and outlined the history of moving the Miraculous Image to subsequent churches. From the Grąblin forest it was moved to a roadside chapel, then to the cemetery church in Licheń. After the construction of the church of St. Dorothy in 1857, found a worthy place in its interior for decades, but the walls turned out to be too tight for thousands of pilgrims. Thanks to their generosity, the Licheń basilica, the largest temple in Poland, was erected. In front of its walls, on June 7, 1999, St. John Paul II said about the sanctuary that it was a place that Mary loved very much. - It is hard to imagine a more dignified place for the Mother of God, but it is not the final destination where Mary wants to stay. She wants to come to our hearts, which are the most beautiful sanctuaries in the world. In the Licheń sanctuary, we carry out the testament of Christ and take the Mother of God to us. We are invited to welcome her into our interior and our homes - said Fr. Janusz Kumala.

He emphasized that each material sanctuary should lead to a spiritual sanctuary for which we are responsible. It is the responsibility that resonated in the liturgy of the words - it is important to reject everything that hinders the relationship with Jesus. - If we put off work on ourselves and confession, we will enter the danger zone of eternal life. It is responsibility for oneself, but it is also important to be responsible for others - for the weak in faith, for those who need support - Fr. Kumala recalled that the Word of God proclaimed in the sanctuary calls for conversion, change of life and penance for sins. Our Lady of Licheń, the Sorrowful Queen of Poland, bows her head over the Son, showing that our strength is in the cross of Christ. - Let us obey this call, let us open ourselves to the grace of Christ. We stop at the sanctuary, find out if we are following the right path and go further. Let us go on with Mary and Jesus Christ, the curator of the Lichen sanctuary wished the pilgrims.

The musical setting of the southern Mass. was provided by the choir of the Licheń Basilica Stabat Mater, conducted by Jacek Hyżny. Before giving God's blessing, Fr. Kumala said a farewell prayer to Our Lady of Licheń.


Next Sunday, October 3, there will be a Day of Prayer for Single People Seeking a Husband or Wife. Main Mass at. 12.00.

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